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Why you should NOT use Home Available Products as Sex Toys!

Household items through cheap and readily available but can prove disastrous and embarrassing when used for masturbation.
One does not openly and freely discuss sex toys in India. Thus, creating a huge loss in sexual wellness in India forever individual. In fact, till recently one could not buy sex toys in India. However, with new emerging sites like, one has easy access to sex toys online in India. Before the advent of these online sex stores, one used common household products like sex toys.
Anything resembling a penis can be used for penetration purposes. Cucumbers, carrots, bananas, zucchini, radishes are used as sex toys in India. Women tend to use them as dildos. However, despite their low cost and easy access, they do not come without hazards. Bananas are soft and have the tendency to break inside the vagina. Cucumbers pose a similar hazard if used with force. Most women use these fruits or vegetables directly without washing them and covering them with a condom. The skin of non-organic fruits and vegetables contains pesticides and may cause allergic reactions. That can lead to infections in the vagina or anus. The vagina is a sensitive area with its own delicate pH. Sugary substances placed directly deep inside the vagina increase the chance of developing a yeast infection or bacterial infection. Food items are not recommended for anal insertion in general. Once a lubed cucumber disappears up your butt, it can be difficult to get out.
To avoid this, one can now also buy dildos or Vibrators online in India.

Some men use pens, pencils, and chopsticks as sex toys in India. They derive pleasure from inserting long thin objects into their urethra. This is dangerous as pointed sharp items can result in perforations and tissue damage on insertion. Also, urinary infections can occur.
Wooden items like bat handle, mop handles, hairbrush handles, and wooden spoons are often inserted in the anus or rectum. The polish or varnish of these items can chip off or rub off, exposing the skin to the raw wood underneath. This can lead to infections in private areas.
Bicycle pump nozzles are often inserted up the rectum or vagina. Blowing air into these parts can cause air bubbles to form in the bloodstream which can prove disastrously fatal. Also, the colon can be blown away by the force of the air.
Heated ointments like BenGay or Voveron are applied on the genitals while masturbation to warm the area and create a tingling sensation. The pleasurable sensation slowly changes to a burning one resulting in severe rash and agony. Stay away from these for sure! Some use shampoos as lubes too and that can give severe genital irritation.